First Semester Reflection

This semester in my English class I learned how to write from a characters point of view. It honestly really helped me understand the book we were reading. My teacher Mrs. Terzic is an amazing teacher, she helped me understand the requirements to have a great strong essay. Having her as my teacher has been great, there is so much I have learned from her. I really enjoy the way she teaches, she walks around the classroom asking everyone if they understand the assignment and keeping everyone on task. In the beginning of the school year she would have us write journal entry’s on how we feel about certain topics, it would be different every class. It really helped me become more interested in writing. I believe I grew in a way of creating better writing skills and becoming more creative. I am going to use this in everything I do and I truly feel like I have improved because of Mrs.Terzic. There is one insight I created this semester and it is being thankful for all the people that are in my life, we would write about our lives and more. Which made me realize how thankful I should be! My teacher makes me excited to come to class, I have always struggled with English but not this year and never again!


Journey to Topaz Journal Entries

Chapter 3: A Lonely Christmas

I am the Mother of Yuki and Ken, we all went to San Francisco to give my husband his shaving kit and some clean clothing. I was so happy to see him,  I had so many questions for him. I was worried if he was eating enough and was getting enough sleep. When he told our family he was getting sent to an Army Internment Camp in Missoula, Montana my heart dropped. The love of my life was getting sent so far away from us, he tried his best staying positive in front of our kids but Yuki still put her head on my shoulder saying she was worried. This Christmas is going to be different, very very different.

Chapter 5: Inside the Barbed Wire

My name is Mimi, I am best friends with Yuki. When my mother told me what was going to happen to Yuki and her family I started tearing up. I was worried about my best friend, where was she being sent to, will she be okay, and why were they doing this they didn’t do anything wrong. The morning her and her family were leaving my mother and I brought them breakfast and drove them to the station where all the japs were being sent. During the car ride I was holding Yuki’s hand asking her if she was ready. When I had to say goodbye my heart dropped, I didn’t know when I was going to see my best friend next.

Chapter 7: A New Friend

I was sleeping and I heard this hammering noise that woke me up. I thought I was back in Berkeley, but as I moved the noisy rustle of straw reminded me where I was. It was dark I thought it was about 6 o’clock so I tried to find my way back to sleep but then the hammering began again. I thought it was Ken so I yelled at him to stop but it wasn’t him that replied to me. After a brief silence a voice apologized for waking me, it was my neighbor from the other side of the partition that divided our stalls. All of a sudden I heard this voice of a young girl whisper “ How can anybody still be asleep at nine o’clock?” I felt so bad for yelling at them, I thought it was my brother and it was early in the morning but it really wasn’t any of that. I apologized to her and she became my new friend. Her name is Emiko.\

Chapter 11: A Home in the Desert

Emi and her grandparents live in the same block just two barracks away. Often after would meet outside the mess hall and together we would walk to the edge of the camp, As we were walking Emi kept coughing and she was really Pale, she looked in spite of all of the sun. Then all of a sudden Emi fell to the ground like a small sack, crumpling soundlessly in a tiny heap. My heart dropped I was so scared, I looked up and saw the camp hospital a hundred miles away but I didn’t care Emi needed help. I started running with my rubbery legs, panting, gasping and stumbling in the soft dust. I wasn’t even halfway there but I saw two men in white coats walking towards me, they were doctors coming off their duty going back to their barracks, I yelled HELP! By the time I caught up to them they were telling Mrs.Kurihara they need to carry her to the hospital I was so worried.

Chapter 15: Good News

It was thanksgiving day, it was very different this year and all I could think about is Emi’s family. Then the telegram came from Father bringing my family and I together, all of us cheering. My father said “ Being released on parole, will join you soon, Love dad.” Ya-hoo! My papa might be home for Christmas, I started dancing I don’t care who sees me. Every day when there was a knock at the door I would run and open it, wondering if Father would be standing there. The day before Christmas I woke up feeling good, I kept telling myself “Papa is coming home today.” When we returned from breakfast a messenger came from the Administration Office, he said “Your father is back, he’s being processed and I’ve come to take you to the Ad Building, come on let’s go!” I’ve never been so happy, Ken and I whooped together and scrambled our jackets on.  I was the first one to spot Father, I ran to him throwing myself around his neck. My family was finally together again.

Research on Discrimination

Discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, sex, weight, disability, etc. In our world today people use discrimination against others, it is not right. However some of those people have no idea they are using discrimination. 

The U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission states, “Disability is a person who may be disabled if he or she has a physical or mental condition that substantially limits a major life activity (such as walking, talking, seeing, hearing, or learning), if he or she has a history of a disability (such as cancer that is in remission), and if he or she is believed to have a physical or mental impairment that is not transitory (lasting or expected to last six months or less) and minor (even if he does not have such an impairment).”

I see Disability discrimination at school, I have two special needs teenagers in my Culinary Arts class. When we are doing our laps, cooking in our groups, they are in their own group separating from the rest of us. It is understanding because they work at a different level then us but there are kids in my class who laugh at them for getting so experienced to cook or how slow it takes them to get it done. One of them is a boy, his name is Matthew, he likes to ask questions lots of them. There are these 4 boys who are in a group,they  stand on the other side of him. Making fun of him for his lisp and role their eyes when he asks questions. It is not Matthew’s fault that God made him with this disability, others should respect that try their best to help him feel comfortable. 

Then there is Seidi, she has a crush on someone in our class named Chris. She told this girl in our class that she writes about him every night, the other girl recorder her and told everyone in our class. Chris freaked out and started being really mean to her, running away from her, hiding from her but just because she is special needs. All she wanted from him is a hug and to be friends but Chris doesn’t respect her disability and understand that’s why he was rude.

I will always stand up for others, I believe God made everyone the way he wanted them to be. Even special needs, they are a blessing too. It’s harder but not a bad thing. Everyone is equal, no matter what they should be treated with respect.



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Discussion Post

I support San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick remaining seated during the National Anthem. I believe he was a right as an american to have a choice to sit or stand for The Star-Spangled Banner. In Jaweed Kalheem’s article, Kaepernick said he’s not against the military service members who “fight for liberty and justice for everyone.” He also says “ I am going to continue to stand with the people who are being oppressed,” Kaepernick is very brave to risk his career by using his position to help those who don’t have a voice. He did not stand because he wanted to get his opinion out about Black Lives Matters and Police Brutality. He is standing up for his race, trying to protest Police Brutality, trying to end it. In Jaweed Kalheem’s article, Kaepernick has said that he himself has personally experienced racism by police, that includes being pulled over while driving and while studying at University of Nevada, having officers come into his house with “guns drawn on us” because, he says, a roommate was moving out and “we were the only black people in that neighborhood.” Because he has experienced this, he wanted to get his opinion out by not standing up during The National Anthem, so when they interview him he can state his opinion about wanting to stop Police Brutality.



Small Business Blog Post

My partner and I came up with this business plan because recently I was getting random inappropriate texts from a number I didn’t have saved. I texted a couple of my friends asking them if they had this number saved but none of them did. I was scared, kept thinking to my self “Do I have my number on Social Media or somewhere so random people can have it?” I started stressing out because I didn’t know who it was and also because I didn’t want this random person finding where I live. This also happened to my partner Natane, we really strongly want to help others by creating an app. We also want to stop cyber bullying on Social Media, we want teenagers to feel conformable and not worry about who contacts them.

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Business Plan– We want to create an app that will allow you to choose whether or not you want to receive a call or message from an unknown number. If the unknown number has mutual contacts with you, you can see who also has the unknown number to allow you to get a connection to the number.

Yelp Page For Our Business Plan– We will create this yelp page for reviews, a website to advertise our business, and a website for people to ask us questions. It is good for a business to get reviews from their customers so they can get feed back on what works and what not works. Also if this App is helpful to others and stopping cyber bullying.

Elevator Pitch– I am one of the creators of ” Know Who Is Texting You” App, I strongly want to help others by going to Apple and Android to have them create this app for free with their phones. In this world today there are many ways people can get your number without you knowing, but with this app you have a choice to accept them connecting you or decline.



Blog Post of Choice: A Random Act of Kindness

Last Friday October 28th, 2016 was Oceanside Football senior night and all the boys wore a really nice flower lei from Hawaii. There was 30 seniors but only 20 of them payed their amount of money to get the lei. One of the Mom’s wanted all of them to have it, so she bought those 10 other seniors their beautiful lei’s for their senior night. She didn’t want them to feel left out. I thought that was very nice of her to spend her own money on those 10 kids who couldn’t afford the leis.

ScreenshotHer name is Shannon Kaleopa Tuise’e. She is a very sweet beautiful women who means a lot to me. We need more people like her in our world, she cares for everyone around her and she puts others before herself making sure everybody is happy.  She is a counselor at Mira Coasta College, I’ve seen her work with the students there and she really does an amazing job to get them to get the schedules they want and what’s best for them.

I look up to her, she encouraged me to go out of my way for other I care about. Since I have seen her do many random acts of kindness I told my self I was going to do the same for someone else. I was driving to the beach with my boyfriend and we saw this mother and her daughter asking for money because they were homeless. There was a McDonalds by us so I stopped by and got 4 plain double cheeseburgers and 2 waters for them. When I gave it to them the Mother started tearing up and said “God bless you young beautiful lady”. It touched my heart that I was able to help others that needed it


Wellness Blog #2

Emotional wellness is having a positive attitude, high self-esteem, a strong sense of self, and the ability to recognize and share a wide range of feelings with others in a constructive way. Having this as one of your top strengths is very good to have. You will use it everyday of your life, others around you will respond positive to your response.

I am very good at using emotional wellness by creating a strong relationship with others. A lot of my friends come to me for advice because I am always being positive, telling them how amazing or beautiful they are, and just being there for support. I also use emotional wellness by creating trust and respect with others, it is one of the top things to have in a relationship with someone.

I baby sit my next-door neighbors children, a 3 year old girl and a 1 year old girl. They had to earn my trust because I was taking care of their kids, feeding them, and putting them to sleep. I earned their trust by showing them I am strongly capable of keeping their kids safe, make sure they don’t eat enough junk food and watch shows. I took them outside to play, I used emotional wellness by playing with the kids like I was a kid, making them laugh.

There are many different ways you can use Emotional Wellness, I recommend trying your best to  create this wellness because it will help you in everything you do. People will appreciate you being positive, they will look up to you and will catch on. You can be leading people to create high self-esteem, strong sense of self, and awareness.

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Wellness Blog #1


Physical Wellness is taking care of your body for optimal health and functioning.

If you eat unhealthy and want a change there are many websites that give you delicious low-calorie healthy recipes . After you start eating healthy you should start working out. You could start off with walking around your neighbor or look up work outs on google. There will be many websites that have great workouts that will get you into great shape. You should start off easy and work your way up. You do not need a gym member ship to keep your body healthy, of course it is a great thing to have because there are many tools you can use to get a good work out but you do not need a gym.

If you do not take care of your body you could become overweight and have a chance to get Type 2 Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes is a long term metabolic disorder that is characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and relative lack of insulin. You will have to check your blood sugar before you eat and give yourself insulin shots. There are more issues that can happen if you are unhealthy. Stop now and start eating healthy! Think about your family, the more healthy you are the longer you will live and can experience life with the people you love.

I use physical wellness everyday in my live since I was 4 years old. I started play soccer and softball when I was 4, my parents started me young so I continue to grow up to be active and healthy. My brother Martin Arispe is a personal trainer, he has my family eating the right nutritious food, has my parents working out 3 times a week, has my sisters in high active sports, and has me working out 5 days out of the week plus my softball practices.

Being active is such a great thing, it keeps you healthy and busy. The more healthy you are the longer you will live. The happier you will be, staying fit makes my family and I strong. My advice to you is believe in your self, start slow, and never give up. You can do what ever you put your mind to if you believe and trust your self.